Teaching Reading and Writing

Some other resources that I value for reading and writing:

Our very own University of Texas Undergraduate Writing Center has one of the coolest on-line writing help sites. It's called Virgil. I'm so proud of my friends and former-co-workers who developed it!

The CCC's writing and grammar resource site is also pretty useful.

Cando's Helper Page is a much more basic spelling and writing resource page for students, and I love the powerpoints for supplementing usage, punctuation, and style lessons!

Sean Banville's Breaking News English is a great source for short, level-specific, non-fiction articles and activities. The articles tend to be pretty interesting, although I wish the original news source were attached. The activities vary a lot in quality and difficulty, but there are so many that you can always find something worth using. I have had a lot of luck finding an article in the Breaking News Archives to go with units that I'm teaching with a fiction piece or a film.
They're also good for fitting with student interests!

Keep reading and writing!


  1. Hi Will,

    I'm assuming you're back to feeling yourself after your bad bug. Glad for that. Thanks for the sites you've offered here. I inadvertently misunderstood our assignment and thought we were to only be looking for 'reading' resources. The first few sites you mentioned are treasure troves of writing reference material. I can imagine referring to them myself when in doubt of a particular English grammar or writing rule, and for handy guides to print out for my students regarding key writing points.

    I had also found the Breaking News English site and found it useful as well.

    All the best,



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