¡Viaje a México!

Well, I am a huge advocate of traveling to reinforce your language learning, and to establish and maintain the relationships that help sustain a love for your target culture and language.  This week I am practicing what I preach, visiting Mexico City and Puebla. 

I can report that I arrived today at the zócalo down town and am
in my hostel.  It seems like a really good place to base a trip out
of, but I´ll just be here tonight and tomorrow I'll meet up with my
friend Leti and we'll head down to Puebla.

The trip from the airport to the hostel on the metro and then walking
along busy streets was exciting, and I've already passed several
churches and monuments that I want to go back and look at more
carefully.  Underground in the metro tunnels they have some ancient
remnants of temples and altars from the Aztecs, and many buildings
have a plaque that tells you what pre-colombian palace was on that

I'll post more soon, and try to be more descriptive with my writing!


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